Jennine's 29!

Jennine really enjoys the fact that I am a little over 4 months older than she is, but as of August 23rd she and I are again the same age! But I can't believe that we are in our last year of our 20's. Both Amy's, Jennine, Adam, and I are all 29 now... WOW, so close to 30!
For Jennine's birthday I went up to Portland and we went to Oaks Amusement Park (a theme park in Portland) and then went out later that night with another friend Amber. We had a great time! Jennine and Lex then came down to Eugene and we had family birthday dinner at PF Chang's. I didn't get many good pictures but have posted a few.

Kayley's Shower

It was so nice for the guest of honor to be at her shower! The doctor thought Kayley was going to be early so we had to postpone her original shower. We waited until after she was born and she and her mommy were able to make the trip down from Beaverton. Kayley is now seven weeks old and getting longer by the minute (although no one knows where that comes from.) She has tons of dark brown hair that sticks straight up and beautiful blue eyes. I was so happy that Amy had a girl because for the last 5 years I've been holding onto an OSU Jr. Cheerleading baby sweatshirt (Amy was a cheerleader at OSU). My mom and I found the sweatshirt while on one of our shopping adventures and just knew one day it would come in handy. Brady (big brother) and Kayley are my favorite Beavers!

Scandi Fest!

Oh the yummy food! I wait every year for a meat pie and savor every tasty morsel come August. Mom, Lex, and I spend Saturday morning at the Scandi fest and ate our way through. Lex and Mom finished off the afternoon with some ice cream.

Dad, Lexi, and I went to an EMS game last weekend. Thank God it was fishing pole night (the first 1,000 kids through the gate got a fishing pole) the game was not very exciting. Dad and Lex enjoyed some ice cream and the rest of the evening I let Lex take pictures. She loves the camera and taking silly pictures. She found out that she could take a picture of her hand squishing grandpa's head, she really thought that was funny.

No more white walls! Well, there are a few but there is also color now! It only took me two years to get color on the walls. Kirsten, Elizabeth, and I spent a few hours this summer painting the office. Corey helped long enough to put his name on the wall in Kirsten's office - Thanks Corey! We're doing some last minute framing and shopping to pull the office together before all of our students come back. Our athletes are back already and traditional students come back in ten days. I can't believe how fast summer has gone. It's almost time for me to go back as well. I have two and a half weeks left and then I'm back in school. My MBA program starts on Sept. 2nd.

Collin was visiting from Florida and I was able to go to lunch with he and his grandparents. I love the Hurleys! They have always been so good to me and it's great to spend time with them. I only see Collin about twice a year and every time I see him I'm amazed! We had a wonderful lunch, Thanks guys!

Mom turned 60 this summer so we went with the family to the beach for the weekend to celebrate. The weather was perfect (the best I've seen at the Oregon Coast)! We stayed in Lincoln City and enjoyed a trip to see some horses (my dad's best friend from college has a horse ranch), the Tillamook Cheese Factory, the casino, the outlet mall, and several trips to the beach where we played in the sand, got wet, searched tide pools for sea creatures, and ran up and down the dunes. We took hundreds of pictures so I'll try not to include them all... I'm putting more pictures on Lexi's page and when I get pictures from Crystal I'll add them to my "family" page.

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