I took a long break due to a busy grad school schedule coupled with work and family. I finished classes in August and defended my Masters last month. I'm done!!! My graduation is December 10th and I can't believe it's been two and a half years in the making. I'm so excited to get back to cooking, sewing, hanging out, going to the lake (that will have to wait for several months...) and all the other things I've put off to focus on school. For now, I love my job, so I'll stay put working in Athletic Administration at Northwest Christian University. With that said... I've very excited and eager to see what God has in store for me next. I've contemplated getting my PhD, but don't know that I can take more schooling right now :) I'll do my best to keep you all updated on a more regular basis!
For starters-

Jennine graduated from PSU in June and is now working on her Masters. I'm super proud of her!!! Yea Neenee!

Alexis also graduated in June from PSU, but from Kindergarten! She is in the first grade now and doing amazing. She's the best little reader I've ever seen. That girl can finish a chapter book before I can even read the cover. And to think she's doing this at 5 years old- Look out world, here she comes! She played her second season of soccer and it's amazing to see how she's grown. She starts basketball soon and I can't wait for those games.

Freeman River Sports is going well and I think my Dad, Nate, and Crystal were on the water the entire summer and fall. I can't wait until next summer when I can actually join them for some outdoor fun!

My parents celebrated their 40th anniversary this September! What a great example they are to the rest of us! I love you guys :)

My mom is still my best shopping partner! She and I got back from LA last week where we spent several hours on the hunt for the next best deal!

Lastly- The Ducks are #1. What an exciting football season we're having. We're all enjoying the ride and hope the wins continue. GO DUCKS!!!!!!

I'm including some pictures from the past year. No particular order just some pictures to go along with all my words :)

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