The day after Thanksgiving we went in search for the perfect tree! After looking at many lots my dad called in for reinforcements. Lex, mom, and I joined him and we headed out to a local tree farm. Lex had a great time running through the trees and we were able to find the "right" tree. Now it's time to decorate!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving and hope that you did as well! We went around the room and shared what we were thankful for and the number one thing was family. As you can tell from some of our pictures our thanksgiving was filled with many different things; Tofurky, a Pirate, lots of food, family fun, and of course a gingerbread house.

Lex is a little model! The three of us went to a park in Portland with some Christmas lights in search of the perfect Christmas picture for Jennine and Lex. I included some of the pics we took. We had a good time but were frozen by the end of the evening. It has seriously gotten cold in Oregon! Lex loves taking pictures and being the object of silly photos. We taught he to take abstract pictures and she has some super silly ideas.

On Nov. 2nd we played our neighbors the UofO. Both the men's and women's NCU basketball teams played Oregon at Mac Court. It was a great experience for both teams and we had a really good time.

Halloween was the night of many costumes! Lex started out as a cat then transformed into a princess and ended up a beautiful ballerina. We got a late start and didn't really get to trick-or-treat so Lex is looking forward to another opportunity next year.

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